On September 28th, 2009, NIC.IT, the official registry for the country code top-level-domain .IT, will be launching their EPP based platform. This new system will coexist with the older non-EPP system for 2 years to ensure seamless operation and migration. In order for our resellers to get the best out of the new EPP .IT system, the following changes have been made:
New registry-registrar agreement:
HEXONET is extremely happy to announce that 1API GmbH (wholly owned subsidiary of HEXONET GmbH) has executed a new agreement with NIC.IT. This new agreement will allow HEXONET to deliver .IT EPP features to our resellers on the day of release.
New .IT domain registrations via EPP:
- Domain registrations are in real-time (fax forms are no longer required).
- Registry nameserver check still in place (as before).
- With the elimination of manual fax forms, registrants must now explicitly accept online Terms and Conditions of NIC.IT to register a domain.
- Upon performing registrations via the Control Panel, the registrant must explicitly accept the Terms and Conditions of NIC.IT using the provided checkbox.
- Registrations via API will require additional parameters to accept the Terms and Conditions.
Change of .IT registrar (domain transfer)
Since HEXONET will be completely EPP compliant, if the other registrar in the transfer is also EPP compliant with .IT, transfers can be initiated with authorization codes like those used with gTLDs like .COM. If the other registrar in the transfer is not EPP compliant with .IT, the use of fax forms is still required.
Change of registrant (Trade)
No fax forms are required. Similar to new .IT registrations, acceptance of the online Terms and Conditions is necessary.
Change of registrar and registrant (Transfer-Trade)
If the other registrar is also EPP compliant with .IT, Transfer-Trades (change both the registrar and the registrant at the same time) can be executed.
Migration of existing .IT domains to the EPP platform
Existing .IT domains must stay and operate on the older non-EPP system for an additional period of 40 days after the EPP platform release. Therefore, any modifications or changes to existing .IT domains must be handled using the older methods.
Example Commands
New additional parameters for API commands
(accepts "Section 3 - Declarations and assumptions of liability") - X-IT-ACCEPT-REGISTRATION-TAC = 1
(accepts "Section 5 - Consent to the processing of personal data for registration") - X-IT-ACCEPT-DIFFUSION-AND-ACCESSIBILITY-TAC = 1
(accepts - "Section 6 - Consent to the processing of personal data for diffusion and accessibility via the internet") - X-IT-ACCEPT-EXPLICIT-TAC = 1
(accepts "Section 7 - Explicit acceptance of the following points")
AddDomain command
command = AddDomain
domain = YOURDOMAIN.it
ownercontact0 = <contact handle>
admincontact0 = <contact handle>
techcontact0 = <contact handle>
billingcontact0 = <contact handle>
nameserver0 = <nameserver>
nameserver1 = <nameserver>
nameserver2 = <nameserver>
x-it-pin = <number>
x-it-accept-liability-tac = 1
x-it-accept-registration-tac = 1
x-it-accept-diffusion-and-accessibility-tac = 1
x-it-accept-explicit-tac = 1
TradeDomain command
command = TradeDomain
domain = YOURDOMAIN.it
ownercontact0 = <contact handle>
admincontact0 = <contact handle>
x-it-pin = <number>
x-it-accept-liability-tac = 1
x-it-accept-registration-tac = 1
x-it-accept-diffusion-and-accessibility-tac = 1
x-it-accept-explicit-tac = 1
Note: This command automatically detects if the domain is managed by an other registrar and will perform a Transfer-Trade if this is the case.